2 bar screens installed 4 years apart
We recently installed an XG12 automatic vertical bar screen at a wastewater treatment plant, replacing a competitor's "staircase" bar screen. The same operation was carried out in 2017 on the parallel canal.
In addition to a great deal of handling inside the building to put the various parts of the second bar screen in place, our technicians took advantage of this move to - at the customer's request - reduce the air gap of the first bar screen from 15 to 6mm. To do this, they had to lay down the upper frame, replace the lower frame and finally the toothed plate.
It took two technicians two days to complete the job.
Supply of a automatic vertical bar screen
- Type XG12
- Maximum flow 950m3/h
- 6mm air gap
- Width 1000mm
- Depth under countertop 1300mm
- Discharge into existing conveying screw
Options retained :
- Standard FB control panel Processes for operating the 2 bar screens
- Replacement of lower frame on first bar screen (air gap reduced from 15 to 6mm)
- Dismantling of competing equipment and installation of FB Procédés equipment (in two stages, 4 years apart) by our technicians
- Training of operating personnel by our technicians
Project photos
Existing site before FB Procédés intervention.
Handling of the upper frame of the first bar screen for replacement of the lower frame.
Installation of lower screen frame.
View of the 2 vertical automatic bar screens on the upstream side.